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Pedal for Prevention

September is a month of change. The colors change, the warm clothes come out, football bets are made and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are consumed. While we fill our time with these seasonal delights, we may not be thinking of those who are affected by suicide. This month, CMU wants to change this reality and help spread awareness of Suicide Prevention Month, which occurs every September. Now that we’ve settled into Fall semester, it’s time to take a look around and see where attention needs paid. Mesa County is hit particularly hard by suicide hospitalizations and deaths each year, the latter being more than double the national average at 34.7 deaths per 100,000 according to statistics from Mesa County Public Health. This is a staggering number—especially when considering that some of the most susceptible ages are between 10 to 19 years old.

This Saturday and Sunday, Mind Springs Foundation is hosting a fundraising event to further their mission of "providing critical mental health services" to Mesa County. CMU and other community partners are sponsoring Pedal for Prevention to spread suicide awareness throughout the campus and surrounding community. The event will be virtual this year, but invites anyone to ride, hike, walk, swim, dance or do whatever you do to be active in memory of those who are lost to, and those who survive, suicide.

If you want to show your support in person, CMU will be hosting its own Pedal for Prevention this week for Wellness Wednesday occurring September 23 from 12:40  to 1:10pm, outside the main entrance to the Maverick Center. Come join the spin class honoring those touched by suicide. Wellness Wednesdays occur each week and spotlight the available resources for CMU students. For more information, contact the Student Wellness Center at 970.644.3740, ext #4. Discover additional wellness resources, including YOU@CMU portal, a 24/7 online resource for students, faculty and staff to help manage stress.

Through the Stay Together Play Together initiative, Student Life also provides support through activities and academic engagement.

View the 2019 Mesa County Suicide Report.

If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts about suicide, consider seeking immediate assistance from a healthcare provider. View more information on suicide prevention.


Written by Rachel Newbold

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